Regular Memberships
Included in ALL Memberships:
your own key
access to the master schedule to see and reserve your studio time
ability to schedule yourself as needed - even when we are otherwise closed
low commitment: cancel anytime with 30 days’ notice.
no random fees: no start-up charges, initiation fees, or annual fees
lower price point per hour means you have more flexibility in how you use the studiopractice/model sessions, set up time, try-on meetings, IPS viewings with clients, etc.
a community of other photographers who refer and support each other
Membership Options
Tier 1
$150 per month
up to 6 hours per month, 2 of which can be on Saturday & Sunday
Averages out to $25 per hour if utilizing all hours
Tier 2
$250 per month
up to 12 hours per month, 4 of which can be on Saturday & Sunday
Averages out to $20.83 per hour if utilizing all hours
$350 per month
up to 20 hours per month, 6 of which can be on Saturday & Sunday
Averages out to $17.50 per hour if utilizing all hours
Please read through our FAQs and complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Membership FAQs
Will there be someone there when I’m using the studio?
Once you have your own key, you have access to enter the space. Occasionally we may pop in for maintenance tasks, but we do our best to allow you to use the studio as your own. There are occasions where we cannot be present at your session at all. Members can reserve the studio even when we are out of town or otherwise closed.
What happens if my session looks like it will run over?
First, check the schedule. If someone is coming in after you, there won’t be any option to run over. Just wrap up the session and offer to bring your client back in if needed. You can also message the person who is scheduled after you to confirm that they will be using the studio during that time, but they are entitled to that time frame regardless of whether they respond.
If there is room in the schedule for you to continue shooting, message the members in the group to let them know you will be running over and again when you’ve left. You can manually add the time on the schedule after your reservation is over, but this helps us make sure that nobody interrupts your session when the studio is supposed to be empty.
What cleaning tasks do I need to include within my reservation time?
We ask all member reservations to allow time for clean up, including a light run of the studio with our vac-mop. We also ask you to put away all items in their correct location, pick up trash, and change any bedding as needed. When trash is full, we ask that you take it out to a dumpter before leaving.
These tasks can take up to a half hour or more depending on how the studio is used, so we ask that you leave time for this.
What happens if I’m not able to complete all the clean-up before I leave?
The studio should ALWAYS be left in usable condition for the next reservation. Sometimes sessions run over or have complications, and doing the last few things like a mop or taking out the trash can be hard to squeeze in. If for some reason you’re unable to complete the tasks before leaving, we ask that you communicate to other members so they can plan accordingly. We will do our best to help within reason.
What additional responsibilities are required of a membership?
Supervision - As a shared space, some photographers may store their own items in the studio as space allows. In order to protect all of our members, we require members to have full supervision of anyone they bring into the studio at all times. With the exception of bathroom visits and changing, everyone you bring into the studio should remain in the room with you at all times. Lack of supervision of clients - even once - is grounds for termination of the membership.
Create and communicate expectations for children - As a working studio, the studio is not child-proof. There are many hazards throughout the studio, and children should always be calmly seated near an adult when not being photographed. Children should not be allowed in the Mood Room, prop closet, or in any areas that they aren’t being actively photographed.
We highly encourage families to bring additional family members to help with their children. For longer sessions, like newborn sessions, best practice is for a family member to bring siblings in only when they are being photographed and then take them out of the studio for the rest of the session. It’s a great time for an Andy’s trip with grandma!
Additional liability - While we’ve been lucky that we’ve never had any incidents to date, accidents can and do happen during photo sessions. Perhaps a child trips over a cord or the sink overflows while you’re using the studio. Anything that happens during your reservation or as a result of your reservation is your responsibility. You should inspect each prop or item for safety before using it - every time.
We expect that as professionals, photographers carry liability insurance that covers rented premises. You may be able to add a rider with your current insurance policy. Next’s General Liability policy is the cheapest standalone policy that we have found for this - it typically runs around $30 a month or less. You can get a quote here.
How are hours counted?
Hour totals are counted by calendar month for all members, regardles sof billing date. For example, we will total all your hours for November. This is the case whether your biliing date is October 31st or November 2nd. We do our best to schedule billing dates at or around the 1st of the month, but hours are counted consistently for all members, even if your billing date is a few days from someone else’s.
We periodically check hours, especially if there are concerns, but the responsibility for counting your hours is yours. We expect you to count your hours and reach out to us if you need to pay for overage BEFORE adding it to your schedule.
What if I need more hours than my membership allows?
If you’ve already used all of your hours for the month and need to make another reservation, you can do so at our guest rate. If you think you’d rather go up to the next membership tier, reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do!
Can I reschedule my studio time?
Yes! As long as you do so 7 days or more in advance, you can reschedule your studio time as needed without having to count those hours twice.
If you need to reschedule the studio within 7 days, you can do so. However, both the old and new reservations will count toward your monthly hours. An exception can be made if another photographer books your old hours, so we recommend you let the other members know that the time will be available so that others have a chance to use it (and you have a chance to avoid “paying” twice).
Can I just do a membership for one month?
In short, yes! For example, if you decide you want to do a membership for January only (many photographers want indoor options only in the cold season), you can let us know. If we have an opening, we can set up a one-time invoice for that month only.
Can I delay my membership start date?
Yes, but only if the delay is less than a month in advance. We will not hold a future month’s spot more than 1 month out.
For example, if you let us know in November that you’d like to start a membership in December, we will hold the available spot for you! However, if you ask us in September to hold that same spot until December, we would be unable to delay your start date that far in advance.
If you foresee yourself wanting a membership in the future, you can start the next month to guarantee your spot, or check in later to see if that spot is still available when you are one month prior.
What if I need to cancel or change what kind of membership I have?
Requests for these changes can be made 30 days’ or more in advance. This allows us to offer your current spot to someone else for the next month. Changes are always dependent on us having an opening for the spot you want as we do “max out” each membership type to make sure that our photographers have ample time to choose from in the studio.
For example, let’s say you realize that you will need more hours for the Christmas holidays. You can let us know by October 1st that you will need additional hours beginning November 1st. Later requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We will do our best to work with you when we can.
I’ve never used the studio before. Can I start a membership?
We prefer our members to already have a solid working relationship with the studio. This allows you time to get comfortable with the space before having to be on your own, and it allows us to make sure that you will be a good fit. If you haven’t used our studio before and are interested in a membership, we may be able to offer a trial reservation or period. Reach out, and we’ll see what we can do.
Do you offer membership spots to any photographers who want them?
In short, no. We are lucky that we’ve never had any real issues with members since beginning this program two summers ago. This is largely because we have approached membership options with caution. For the first year, membership was by invitation only.
We can refuse a membership for any reason, but the following includes some reasons why a membership offer might not be extended, even if a spot is available:
prior experience in the studio is limited or none
lack of time management when using the studio in the past (struggling to get out on time, late clients)
lack of supervision/unruly clients when using the studio in the past
conduct or reputational issues - language, behavior, etc. that don’t reflect the values of the studio and other members
liability concerns